Saturday, 15 July 2017

Health benefits of cheese

Cheese is a dairy product made from milk, produced in a variety of shapes, textures and flavors. cheese is very healthy food and throughout history, cheese has been an important part of the human diet. cheese also a delicious and highly nutritious and very rich in several vitamins and minerals. There are various types of cheese.

                                               cheese is mainly composed of fat and protein, the proportion of which depend on the type of cheese.

                                                cheese is an excellent source of protein. One thick slice of cheddar cheese contains about 6.7 g of protein, which is similar to what you get from a glass of milk. The majority of proteins in cheese belongs to a family of milk proteins called casein.

                                                 The fat content of cheese is highly variable, depending on the type of cheese. It can range from 1% in cottage cheese to 34% or higher in cream cheese. Cheese fat is highly complex, containing hundreds of different fatty acids.

                                                  The carbohydrate content of cheese is very variable, depending on the brand, type, and stage of maturation.

VITAMINS AND MINERALS:- Cheese is a rich source of vitamins and minerals. These includes Calcium, Zinc, vitamin B12, Sodium, Phosphorus, Selenium, Riboflavin, vitamin A, vitamin K2.


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Health benefits of cheese

Cheese is a dairy product made from milk, produced in a variety of shapes, textures and flavors. cheese is very healthy food and throughout...